Recap: 2011 Barolo Tasting and Dinner

2011 Barolo, Rinaldi, Vietti, Conterno, Bartolo Mascarello, Rinaldi, Rocche, Piemonte, Piedmont, Italy, Fine Wine, Atlas Fine Wines
Thank you to those of you who were able to join us on Tuesday evening for the 2011 Barolo tasting and dinner, it was great to welcome new and familiar faces.

Simon commented this morning as follows:

It was a really enjoyable tasting and dinner, and the first time I had tried so many 2011 Barolo side by side. The 2011s are, in most cases, drinking well now as revealed at the tasting, but they are by no means simple, light and supple. Today, this vintage is viewed as reflecting modern day conditions in Piemonte, where we tend to encounter warmer temperatures. While growers have undoubtedly learned how to deal with these conditions with greater skill since 2011, the wines we tasted were certainly successful. Renato Corino’s Rocche dell’Annunziata remains an absolute bargain and was favourably reviewed by those present. The Sandrone duo – Le Vigne (a blend from across Barolo) and the Cannubi Boschis – both impressed, with the class of Cannubi stealing the show. The Vietti Ravera and Rocche di Castiglione showed true to form, some austerity and a mineral backbone still showing in the Ravera, and the finesse of the tannins on the Rocche singled out for particular note. The Ester Canale Vigna Rionda won many plaudits – it was simply singing on the night, so many subtle nuances and such a sense of detail in a wine that has impressed me on occasions before. Certainly, one to watch. And then we tasted the three most classical wines of the night from Conterno, Bartolo Mascarello and Rinaldi. The Bartolo is a terrific wine in 2011, bright, lifted with an uncommon silky texture and the Rinaldi had a touch of that truffly, balsamic character to the fruit and a long, elegant finish.

All in all, the tasting provided a great overview across so many producers and individual vineyards in a vintage that was open to appreciate. For me, it gave an added perspective on one of the most fascinating wine regions in Europe.
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